Chiropractic Schools

As you look for a school to attend, you'll want to get familiar with what schools are out there. Location shouldn't be the first thing you look for, but for many students, it will play an important role.

I've scoured the directories of chiropractic schools and compiled a custom map showing the locations of all the chiropractic schools in the US & Canada (19) and throughout the world (25). With 43 schools total, you have some decisions to make.

Schools in North America

There are 18 schools in the United States and 1 English-speaking school in Canada. A list of the schools can be found at the Association of Chiropractic Colleges website. You can also click each pin to see the school's information, most of which contain a direct link to their website.

North American Schools on the Podcast

√ Life Chiropractic College West Episode 2
√ Life University Episode 7
√ Logan University Episode 1
√ University of Western States Episode 32
√ Northwestern University Episode 15
√ New York Chiropractic College Episode 14
√ Cleveland University Episode 30
√ Sherman College of Chiropractic Episode 4

International Schools

There are 35 other schools scattered throughout the world. A list of all 43 schools can be found at the World Federation of Chiropractic website or at the Wikipedia list of chiropractic schools. You can also click each pin to see the school's information, most of which contain a direct link to their website.

Note: According to Wikipedia, it is unknown whether the schools in Brazil, Sweden, Switzerland, and Mexico are accredited.