Episode 1: Logan University with Scott Dodds

In this episode, I interviewed Scott Dodds via Google Hangout. Scott is a 9th trimester student in the Chiropractic and Masters of Sports Science Programs at Logan University.

Logan University is located in Chesterfield, MO and offers multiple programs including Doctor of Chiropractic, Masters in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Masters in Nutrition and Human Performance.

The campus is beautiful - check out their Virtual Tour! I especially like the sports field and wellness center.

Scott is from the west, but thinks St. Louis is a great place to live - despite the lack of mountains - and has a lot to offer for young families.

Watch the video below to learn more about life as a student at Logan University.

Note: The ideas and opinions offered in this discussion are those of the host and guests and do not reflect the institutions discussed.

An audio only version is available below, or for download on iTunes.

Update 6 July 2013 - audio file converted to MP3 for compatibility with all devices.

Check out Logan University on Twitter & Facebook


Show Transcript

Nathan Cashion: Welcome to Exploring Chiropractic. I am Nathan Cashion, your host. And welcome to the first episode. This is the podcast for chiropractic and pre chiropractic students. Before we get started with our first interview, I'd like to give just a little bit of an introduction. I've been looking into chiropractic schools now for 10 years and - we won't go into why it's taken me so long, but I am now in school and I'm finding that a lot of students don't realize that there's a big difference between a lot of the schools. They maybe just pick the one that's closest to them or the one that their mentor chiropractor had gone to. So at that I put together an online program where students can learn from other students at other schools, to find out what makes their school unique. For the first interview we're talking with Scott Dodds. Who's a student at Logan university in their chiropractic and sports medicine programs. For the first 20 minutes, today, we're going to go through a virtual tour of Logan's campus.

You can get on logan.edu and check out the virtual tour for yourself. Or if you'd prefer to watch the video, you can go to our website at exploringchiropractic.com, go to the podcast archive and watch the YouTube video of our Google hangout. While you're at our website, please send us any feedback. We'd love to know what you think of the show, what schools you'd like to hear from, or if you have any other thoughts to share with us.

And without further ado, here's Scott.

How's it going, Scott?

Scott Dodds: Good. How are you doing?

Nathan Cashion: Doing great. Thanks for joining me tonight. Yep. No problem. So it's finals week here at university of Western States. So I don't think we're have a lot of people joining us. I was hoping to get, you know, four or five students, they could ask their own questions.

Cause the reason I started this thing is that as I talk with students and, and really, as I've been looking at chiropractic for like the past 10 years, you know, I find students don't know much about the different schools. A lot of them think that's chiropractic school. Same thing, you know, no matter where you go and, and there's actually lots of people at my school who were talking about transferring to life West to Logan, to, you know, whatever it might be.

But I know there's also students at other schools that are talking about transferring to other schools as well. Um, so I don't know if people just pick the school that's closest to them. You know, and, and that's where they want to go or what, but, so I thought we'd just talk about all the different schools.

Um, you know, I'm going to get, I've got people from life West set up and kind of reaching out and talking to people at other schools as well. So we're gonna start with Logan and, uh, but kind of before we do that, I do want to say I'm at university of Western States. You're at Logan university, but we don't represent the schools.

Were students there and it's kind of a legal disclaimer in case anything comes back to bite us. So anything we say is just based on our experience, you know, we don't present them. This isn't anything official. Um, so I wanted to start out looking at the school cause this is really cool. Logan has an awesome webpage and I'm going to.

Screen right now. I'm not sure if you'll be able to see it on your phone. I think you will. Yep. Yeah, so great. I think there's a pretty new webpage. At least the last time I looked probably it was a couple of years ago and

it's been probably about two years.

Okay. And they've got a virtual tour, so this is what I want to start off with.

Cause it's awesome to see the school and I've been to maybe five. And I honestly think that Logan as the best campus, I mean, beautiful. Just really gorgeous. What do you think? What's it been like for you? That

Scott Dodds: the school is, the school is beautiful. It's well kept. Um, they do a really good job of maintaining it.

Uh, Uh, and we're in the Midwest and, you know, things are really drained. Things are really beautiful out here.

Nathan Cashion: Um, so

Scott Dodds: yeah, it's really nice campus so that you're looking out there as the purser center and they do, and that's where they do graduation, uh, do a lot of, and then they rent it out on the weekends for lots of dance comp, dance, competitions,

Nathan Cashion: things like that.

Oh, really? What kind of dance competitions do they do? A lot of like jazz

Scott Dodds: and, uh, solo companies come in there and, uh, They perform, then they also do like,

Nathan Cashion: um,

Scott Dodds: then they actually have like bands and things like that, that, uh, perform in there.

Nathan Cashion: Okay, cool. So, um, let's see. That's kind of the parking lot over there.

I remember this big CWA. I mean, just really nice look at that water fountain. All of the bell tower. Yeah. Does that thing still ring?

Scott Dodds: Yeah. Logan originally was a monastery.

Nathan Cashion: Yeah. What is it? What is it with chiropractic schools and like Catholic buildings. So Western States used to be a Catholic girls school.

Scott Dodds: Yeah. So they, they kept a lot of the

Nathan Cashion: stained glass art

Scott Dodds: in, uh, in the library and the bell tower at rinks every hour.

Nathan Cashion: Oh, that's cool. So where's the library. It could be take a peek at that.

Scott Dodds: Uh, yeah, it should be in the administration first floor.

Nathan Cashion: All right. So let's see administration main entrance. This is so cool that you can just jump around and then I've got a little pop up right here.

Scott Dodds: So that's the entrance to the library right there. Click on the circulation desk.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. Like right on the, on the pop-up menu. Yeah. On the right side, right there. Oh yes. So entrance to the library here.

Scott Dodds: And you can click on the

Nathan Cashion: rare and I'll

Scott Dodds: take you to closer that green one right there, click on that and I'll tell you closer to everything.

Nathan Cashion: Nice. Yeah. I remember hanging out for a little while when I toured the campus and just loving that, that stained glass. That is pretty sweet.

Scott Dodds: Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Nathan Cashion: Do you spend a lot of time in the library? Do you find, or are you more of a study at home kind of guy?

Scott Dodds: I try to stay at home, but, um,

Nathan Cashion: when

Scott Dodds: I, when it gets really busy, I'll go in the library.

When I've, when finals finals are weak. I am in the library a lot more, but I usually.

Nathan Cashion: Come home. Yeah, that's what it's like for me too. Although I find I get a lot more done at home. Yeah. Um, let's see. The, what else is in the, uh, let's see, I want to get out of the library go admin ground, or I want to go check out the, uh, the game room.


Scott Dodds: yeah, you can check out the game room. That's where I dominate

Nathan Cashion: everybody in ping pong, is it? I would see. So I got to go admin building first floor. Then I can find the game room. There we go. Yeah. And this again, when I, when I visited this was brand new. Yeah. So,

Scott Dodds: I mean, if you look straight, straight up, um, you got all those TVs up there.

Six of them. Um, and you can check, you can have each one playing a different station if you

Nathan Cashion: want. Um, and then over on

Scott Dodds: the wall, there's radios for the different TV. So you can sit on the, you know, the table and listen to whichever TV you want to. It's

Nathan Cashion: pretty cool. So they're portable radios.

Scott Dodds: Yeah. They're portable radios, like right over here, right there.

Nathan Cashion: Wow. Okay. So yeah, kind of like the Google, um, drive in theaters. Yep. Cool. Got some foosball ball, got some ping pong. Nice. Uh, diner seating. Yeah. And what is this metal? Is that anything particular architecture? Yeah. Air hockey. Billiards. So you're the pro ping pong player. Yeah. Cool. We played many,

Scott Dodds: many a game in there.

That's for sure.

Nathan Cashion: But now,

Scott Dodds: now that I'm a lot farther in school. I don't have time to do that anymore. I,

Nathan Cashion: yeah. So I thought this was kind of cool. The anatomy room now. I don't believe they have an image of the anatomy lab. Do they? No,

Scott Dodds: I looked forward to earlier today night. I couldn't find it. I'll try to see if I can

Nathan Cashion: find it again.

But, uh, no, I mean, I imagine just with, um, you know, the regulations that go on with that kind of stuff that you may not be able to have it. Yeah. But you can go on to the

Scott Dodds: amphitheater entrance, which is where they do the, um, they, the teacher will teach us how to do the dissection.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. Uh, which building was that in?

Is that science and research building. Okay. Let's head on over there and pull up the amphitheater entrance

Scott Dodds: to the anatomy amphitheater.

Nathan Cashion: Okay.

So if you go right there, right in that. Yeah. That's so

Scott Dodds: that's where they'll, they'll go through the tissue. They'll go through the dissection, what we're going to do for us. And they've

Nathan Cashion: got, um, up,

Scott Dodds: up above, they got a camera that'll shine down. Um, and you can watch on the monitors,

Nathan Cashion: see

Scott Dodds: exactly what she's doing.

Nathan Cashion: So did they bring a cadaver into here?

Scott Dodds: Yep. Cadaver into here and, uh,

Nathan Cashion: show us,

Scott Dodds: um, What we're supposed to be doing.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. So they'll have like an overhead camera. They'll go through the dissection first. Yep. And then you go in, is this a Oh, like a webcam right here, uh, on the wall there? Or is that, uh, yeah,

Scott Dodds: that's one of the cameras right there.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. Um, so what is it, what is the dissection program? Like how many, um, you get to do a full dissection. Yeah, we

Scott Dodds: did the, we did a full body everyday

Nathan Cashion: group of like five people's,

Scott Dodds: three or four.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. And how many, sorry. So you're on a trimester system, right? Yup. Okay. And we're on quarters here. We knew

Scott Dodds: we have 10 trimesters in the first two trimesters.

We were in the anatomy lab with the sections.

Nathan Cashion: Did you say three or two? Two, two. Okay. So that that's about equal to what we do cause we do three quarters. Um, so cool. And I mean like head to toe, do you do it by section or do you do by

Scott Dodds: section

Nathan Cashion: kind of by layer?

Scott Dodds: Um, the, for the first semester we, we dealt more with the.

Musculoskeletal lower extremity, upper extremity. And then the second semester, it was all about, uh, like internal, the abdomen, uh, head and neck, um,

Nathan Cashion: brain, stuff like that. Awesome. Let's see. I think I want to get out. I think anatomy is one of my favorite things and I remember the lab, even though we can't see it on here, I remember it being really nice.

Yeah, that's

Scott Dodds: really nice.

Nathan Cashion: Um, let's see. I think I wanted to go, let's check out extra. Where's the field. I want to check out the field and the

Scott Dodds: let's see,

Nathan Cashion: um, got a little

Scott Dodds: parking lot.

Nathan Cashion: Nine parking lot nine. Yeah.

Scott Dodds: And you can check out the ball field as well as the wellness

Nathan Cashion: center. Yeah. So you've got, this is pretty much a full baseball field.

Yeah. And then a soccer field as well. Yeah. Yeah. Where you can play,

Scott Dodds: whatever, whatever you want here. And then back in the. Back past the ball field, we got a big hole and a pavilion with, uh, grills to reduce some of our activities

Nathan Cashion: back there. Oh, I should check that out.

Scott Dodds: Probably ball courts back there, a basketball court.

Nathan Cashion: Let me find that. So is that, is that shown on here?

Scott Dodds: Yeah. If you look to the left, just a little bit, that

Nathan Cashion: little pavilion. Oh, okay. I see. Way in the back.

Scott Dodds: Uh, that's the,

Nathan Cashion: um, Right back here. Yeah. Way back there. Okay.

Scott Dodds: And then right past the soccer goal right there. It's um, volleyball courts and stuff. So

Nathan Cashion: do you deploy a lot of ultimate Frisbee?

I know what it is about ultimate Frisbee is popular here. We

Scott Dodds: did, uh, first few tries and it just got really busy and it gets so hot here during the summer. It's just, it's crazy.

Nathan Cashion: All right. Uh, hell the fitness center. Yeah, this,

Scott Dodds: this is pretty free, pretty new. They remodel. I mean, we've had it for a while, but they remodeled it recently.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. It looked a little different than from what I remembered. Yeah. So they, they, yeah. I mean, yeah,

Scott Dodds: they just opened it up because there's a wall right past the, uh, the treadmills there. They just opened it up a lot more. And there's actually, this is not totally correct. You're right in front of the treadmills.

Now they have TVs.

Nathan Cashion: It's like hanging from the, from the shoe. Okay. Yeah. Just like that. LA fitness or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Looks like really good equipment. Lots of free weights too. Yeah. Cool. And I noticed you got cool. Uh, Cool hardwood floor back here. Do you any ballroom dancing on that?

Scott Dodds: No, I haven't. I bought her dances forever.

Nathan Cashion: Yeah. I'm kind of given up to, I guess we should say we used to compete together. Actually, we used to compete against each other.

Scott Dodds: True.

Nathan Cashion: We won't mention any specific competitions.

Awesome. All right. Any other highlights of the, uh, campus tours? Take a look at it. Um,

Scott Dodds: you could look at the health centers.

Nathan Cashion: Um, okay, so this is your clinic.

Scott Dodds: Yeah, this is clinic. This is where I spend majority of my time now.

Nathan Cashion: So you're in ninth trimester. So you only have one more to go.

Scott Dodds: We'll be done in December.

Nathan Cashion: So when you pretty, when do you start kind of full time? Into the, in the clinic,

Scott Dodds: the clinic, well, in a trimester seven we're in the student clinics. So we're treating students and their families, um, and try eight, nine and 10. So for a full year, we're

Nathan Cashion: in a,

Scott Dodds: what they call outpatient clinic for treating patients.

We bring in our own patients, um, treat them.

Nathan Cashion: So do you have to go out and kind of recruit your own patients? Yes. Is that kind of expected?

Scott Dodds: Yeah, they expect us to. Uh, there's, there's also, walk-ins, uh, just people come walk in and, um, they do, you know, depending on who's next on the list, we'll get the person

Nathan Cashion: who walks in, but I've, I brought

Scott Dodds: most of mine, um, currently, uh, although the CDC, he is changing everything, uh, with numbers and everything.

Uh, we still currently have numbers that we have to hit for graduation, which aren't that bad, but,

Nathan Cashion: um,

Scott Dodds: Fortunately I've already hit all mine, so it's not a big deal.

Nathan Cashion: So if I understand, right, because I'm not in clinic yet, but as of right now, you need to have a certain number of adjustments, certain amount of specific treatments.

But they're going to change that to competencies. Is that

Scott Dodds: yeah. Uh, it depends. I mean, some schools have already been like that. Um, it depends on what school you're going to. We're still until, I don't know when the little continue to find numbers we're required to bring in, um, 10 new patients

Nathan Cashion: and what that means.

It's not,

Scott Dodds: you're coming once and that's good enough. You have to manage the case.

Nathan Cashion: And,

Scott Dodds: uh, so you have to do at least 10 of those, um, 200 adjustments in the year. Um, certain amount of x-rays taken physical exams, um, and physical therapy, uh, things. So, um, fortunately I it's, it's really not that hard. Um, and I finished mine just, just after the first trimester finished.


Nathan Cashion: it didn't take too long.

Scott Dodds: I mean, some people, it takes them the whole, the whole year. Uh, I just kind of worked a little bit harder to get all my stuff done.

Nathan Cashion: Yeah. I noticed this table here. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like this. It's an activator table activator. I just,

Scott Dodds: I did not do activators.

So. Um, but yeah, that's an activator

Nathan Cashion: table. Okay. Um, diverse. You do what?

Scott Dodds: Diversity later diversified activator.

Nathan Cashion: Oh, I haven't heard that combination before. I just

Scott Dodds: take the activator tool and do diversified with it.

Nathan Cashion: Okay, cool. Um, so I want to, before we kind of get into some other details that I want to hit, kinda want to back back out and, uh, Tell me about this city.

What's it like living in st. Louis area? Because honestly, Logan was at the top of my list of schools to go. And after visiting, after talking with some people, I just couldn't see myself living in, in st. Louis. How has it been for you? Uh, maybe because I came

Scott Dodds: from the West that not having the mountains kind of sucks,

Nathan Cashion: but, uh,

Scott Dodds: overall, uh, we love st.

Louis, uh, Scott. It's got a lot, a lot of cool stuff. Um, Midwest is beautiful. Nice. Um, there's a lot of family stuff. Uh, the zoo is free. There's a lot of free stuff that you can do as families. We have. Our zoo is destination,

Nathan Cashion: uh, second to San Diego. Of course that's where I'm from.

Scott Dodds: No, we have a science museum, which is free. Um, we've got the st. Louis Cardinals here, which, uh, I mean, there's. They're some of the best fans in the nation are definitely here.

Nathan Cashion: And they're probably a better team than San Diego. I don't know. I don't follow that's baseball right. Are, uh,

Scott Dodds: uh, really good. And, uh, their fans are, are loyal.

And, uh,

Nathan Cashion: so

Scott Dodds: the city is really nice. So, um, Chesterfield is where the school is in the West County.

Nathan Cashion: Um,

Scott Dodds: one of the nicer, richer areas,

Nathan Cashion: um,

Scott Dodds: as you get up North and the other side of the river and st. Louis and it's, uh, on the dangerous cities in the nation.

Nathan Cashion: So

Scott Dodds: yeah,

Nathan Cashion: definitely got different neighborhoods, like, like everywhere now you are, you're very close to, is it Mizzou?

Which university are you close?

Scott Dodds: We're about an hour and a half

Nathan Cashion: away from the zoo. Okay, but then there's another one within, I want to say 10, 15 minutes that you work with in the master's program. At least he used to, um,

Scott Dodds: we work a little bit with Missouri


Nathan Cashion: That's what it was

Scott Dodds: university, but we mainly work with Mizzou

Nathan Cashion: now.

Okay. So tell me about the master's program. So I'm, I'm looking now in the Biofreeze, um, sports science facility. Okay. Uh, the

Scott Dodds: masters and sports sciences, uh, continually continuing growing it's growing all the time. Um, so it's been, it's been really, really good.

Nathan Cashion: So that's, that's

Scott Dodds: kind of like a separate clinic, uh, from the other clinic, we do a lot with, uh, a lot of athletes.

Nathan Cashion: Uh, so you're not going to bring in your. Sorry, you're not going to bring in just your average patient in here. Oh,

Scott Dodds: it's available to us.

Nathan Cashion: Okay.

Scott Dodds: So because the Biofreeze clinic, which is right there, the sports clinic

Nathan Cashion: and the other clinic,

Scott Dodds: they share hallways and share everything. We can bring patients in there, but it is, uh, specifically for, um, the, the interns that work in that clinic.

Um, so we do a lot. We deal right now. We're doing a lot with the track athletes.

Nathan Cashion: Um, a lot of high

Scott Dodds: school track athletes.

Nathan Cashion: Uh, I

Scott Dodds: had the opportunity to work with an American record holder in the hammer throw,

Nathan Cashion: um, and shop, but I helping

Scott Dodds: her with her training and recovering from little issues that she had. And, um, so we've been able to work with a lot of.

A lot of big people. We've had several, uh, the, uh, st. Louis Cardinals players come in for, uh, use certain aspects

Nathan Cashion: of chronic,

Scott Dodds: uh, including our x-ray in a ultrasound department. Um, one of the, the chiropractor for the st. Louis st. Louis Cardinals is one of our teachers.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. Um,

Scott Dodds: and then the, the director of the sports science program is dr.

Landy Nelson, who was the, uh, chiropractor for Brigham young university for so many years and is currently a chiropractor for Mizzou. Um,

Nathan Cashion: so now I understand he's announced his retirement.

Scott Dodds: Yeah. He's heading back to Utah to open up shop again and open up clinics is his son is here

Nathan Cashion: at Logan. Um,

Scott Dodds: so he'll be done a semester after me in April, so,

Nathan Cashion: Oh, okay.

I'm going to go in business together, huh? Yeah, I know Lanny very well. I've known him for a number of years and, and visited with him a lot. And when I came to the school, it was on a weekend, I think when I came to Logan to visit and he took me around and we were, we hung out here. I think he gave me a.

Cold laser therapy right here. Uh, probably sat in that bench right there and had it on my foot. So

Scott Dodds: it's a little bit different than when you, when you first came here. Cause they remodeled this about a year and a half ago. Um, so those offices back in the back where you were looking at, uh, that's all new.

That's where dr. Nelson's office is.

Nathan Cashion: Um,

Scott Dodds: it just got a lot of different, um, different things in here. A

Nathan Cashion: lot of new type

Scott Dodds: new, new things are pretty cool. Then

Nathan Cashion: when you do that,

Scott Dodds: you get a lot of experiences for a lot of people. Every Tuesday, we go to Mizzou, um, dr. Nelson takes kids to Mizzou and to treat the athletes down there, um, which is pretty cool.

Nathan Cashion: Awesome. Really just a beautiful camp. Um, sometimes I, when I look at that, I kind of wonder whether I should change it. So what's, what's been your interest in the master's program. What was your original intent?

Scott Dodds: The original intent was, uh, possibly working for university,

Nathan Cashion: um, to be, be there. So you chiropractor,

Scott Dodds: I've kind of shied away from that a little bit, just because my model and where I want to practice in small town.

Uh, so I won't be working with the high elite athletes. I still definitely want to work with athletes, but it will be more the junior college. High school type kids. Um, but I just wanna, because I grew up playing sports, that's what I did my whole life. Um, the reason I got wanted to get into chiropractic was because I was helped through sports with, from a chiropractor.

Nathan Cashion: Um, that's kinda what I wanna do. Um, but, uh,

Scott Dodds: so that's that's for me, that's how it was. We have a lot, a lot of people who are in the masters of sports science, we have people who are going to work for a lot of the different, um, SCC schools to be chiropractice, uh, for them, which is pretty cool.

Nathan Cashion: Yeah. That's awesome.

I think my desire was kind of the same as that. I was, you know, never a, a really great athlete. I played soccer. Did track, did cross country. Um, but as we mentioned used to dance and so got really interested in kind of the, uh, athletic training aspect of it. And so Western States and Logan are the only two schools that offered these masters in sports medicine.

Of course, at any school you can get the CCSP, which is a S uh, Certified chiropractic sports physician. Okay. And, um, so I want to come back to that, but. The feeling that I got from Logan. And I was like, your kind of your input on this as it kind of turned me off, that it was working with, you know, the football players at a big university.

And, and they mentioned, you know, working with a lot of pro baseball. And like you said, I don't really want to work with the pro athletes. I kind of want to work more with. Weekend warrior types. Um, maybe youth and I kind of changed my mind when I visited the Olympic training center a couple of months ago.

In that, you know, Olympic athletes, they're not, they don't have million-dollar contracts. They're still trying to make it, you know, they're, they're going to work with you maybe a little bit better, but I don't know. So what do you think is your program focused on that, that pro sports? Oh no, no,

Scott Dodds: absolutely not.

Um, I mean, we don't. A lot of, a lot of high school, a lot of the people that are going to that, that sports clinic are weekend warriors who just have extremity issues, knees, shoulders, ankles. Um, so no, it's not, it's not specifically for the pros for the big, the big time. Uh, certain people want to do that.

And, uh, and they have a great, uh, Avenue for that because dr. Nelson is. It's got a lot of connections. So they, it, it is easy for them to go that route cause he can,

Nathan Cashion: he can call his

Scott Dodds: friends and get them positions. But no, I mean, there's a lot of us who, who are going to go to junior colleges and deal more with, um, other types of athletes.

Nathan Cashion: I do remember that one thing from dr. Nelson, uh, it was just that he seemed to fight for, you know, for his students. He would just, he works incredibly hard. I think. I remember he didn't tell me this, but I'm sure someone I met at the school mentioned how he worked as I think a janitor during the night as he was going to chiropractic school and graduated without debt.

And you kind of get that from him. He's he kind of does nonstop and just got his hands in so many different projects. So speaking of working while in school, have you given that a shot or have you just relied on, you know, student loans? Um, no. I

Scott Dodds: mean, I I've worked here and there, uh, on campus, not, not much.

Uh, do you know a lot of people who have, and, uh, it's been okay. Uh, it's just, I mean, so hard when you've got 30 plus credit hours, um, and I'd rather spend time with my family. Um, so. I haven't, uh, worked as much, but I do know a lot of people at work. Um, and it's been fine, uh, for them and it's worked out just fine.

Nathan Cashion: So you've had some just on-campus student jobs.

Scott Dodds: Yeah, yeah. Here and there. I've just right now in the clinic on one of the group leaders. So I'm basically in charge of all the other interns in the clinic, making sure that what they're doing is right and making sure notes are good, that the notes on their patients and things like that.

And I get paid for that. Um, so I mean, it's, it's work study, so it just takes off my loans.

Nathan Cashion: That's pretty cool. So you have upper trimester students that are kind of supervising in the clinic. Is that kind of what you're doing? Yeah.

Scott Dodds: We just work underneath the clinicians and kind of do what they want us to do pretty much.

Nathan Cashion: That's pretty cool. Yeah. I think we have, I don't know, four or five, you know, graduated DCS that. Kind of run the clinic. So that's, that's an interesting aspect that

Scott Dodds: now we have four, four operating clinics. And so

Nathan Cashion: we

Scott Dodds: have several different areas. We can go.

Nathan Cashion: Um, are those all on campus or you have some off campus clinics?

Scott Dodds: Uh, I guess we had tech of at five clinics with the Biofreeze clinic sports clinic. Uh, now the other three are off, off one South and then there's two that are more North.

Nathan Cashion: So in the community kind of reaching out and get other people coming. Cool. Very cool. So what is, what is family life like for you?

That's good. I mean, uh,

Scott Dodds: st. Louis is a great place to have a family. Uh, like I said, we've got a lot of stuff that, uh, the city provides are free for, uh, for families. And so the zoo is amazing and to not have to pay. It's really nice. They've got. Um, botanical gardens science museum, a history museum, uh, that original world's fair was here in like 1903 or something like that.

Nathan Cashion: So, uh, it's,

Scott Dodds: it's really, really big park that offers a lot of,

Nathan Cashion: uh, uh,

Scott Dodds: stuff. And so, um, there's always something to do a lot of parks, lot, a lot of parks. And

Nathan Cashion: so, um,

Scott Dodds: family life is really good here.

Nathan Cashion: Do you, uh, practice a lot on your wife or does she not allow you to do that? That's a big deal with marriage students,

Scott Dodds: not shit.

She, she likes me to work on her at least once a day.

Nathan Cashion: Really? That's awesome.

Scott Dodds: No, not, not that often, but she likes to have probably two or three times a week.

Nathan Cashion: He's open to it. Good. And how about the kids?

Scott Dodds: Um,

Nathan Cashion: The youngest I treated. So

Scott Dodds: my oldest is two and a

Nathan Cashion: half. I, uh, I've

Scott Dodds: been treating him since he was probably a couple of weeks old.

Um, he doesn't always love it, but, uh,

Nathan Cashion: but

Scott Dodds: it gives me practice on, on a little kid. And then, uh, this new one is three and a half weeks old. I, I treated him for the first time when he was probably, uh,

Nathan Cashion: two days old. Wow. Yeah, really young. I've been reading a lot lately about, uh, kind of different feelings out there about treating children and in the worries about their bones not being hardly developed at all.

And I don't know. It's interesting. I'm not too concerned about it. Uh,

Scott Dodds: well, I mean, I don't, I don't do any, uh, any high velocity thrusting. It's more, um, with the upper cervicals, you know, C1, Atlas, it's more of a vibration, uh, rather than us for us. Um, and then with, uh, the other stuff is more soft tissue, um, you know, Just different techniques that I've learned along the way, Logan is, uh, was founded on Logan basic, uh, which is a high, you know, just low force technique, uh, which uses the sacred tuberous ligament to help align the spine.


Nathan Cashion: it's, it's,

Scott Dodds: it's really good technique that is,

Nathan Cashion: uh,

Scott Dodds: helps a lot of people, specifically pregnant people and babies. And so that's what I've done with my kids.

Nathan Cashion: So what other techniques are, are taught like that. So I understand Logan basic and diversified are kind of the main bread and butter kind of techniques.

Scott Dodds: Yeah. And those are the two that are required by the university to be taken. Um, then beyond that, um, we're required in try seven, eight, and nine to take at least one, um, honor

Nathan Cashion: technique. Uh, so we

Scott Dodds: offer, um, let's see, we offer. Sot, uh, Thompson technique, Cox flection, distraction, activator, uh, Graston, um, precedent, soft tissue.

Let's see what

Nathan Cashion: else?

Scott Dodds: Um,

Nathan Cashion: um,

Scott Dodds: upper cervical. Um, what else?

Nathan Cashion: Uh,

Scott Dodds: art. Uh, there's, there's a couple others. I can't remember right now. Oh, uh, applied kinesiology, basic,

Nathan Cashion: um, advanced

Scott Dodds: diversified, uh, there's a couple others. And then there's all the seminars that people go to.

Nathan Cashion: So all of those that you listed are actually electives you take during, like in the curriculum.

Scott Dodds: Yeah, there, I mean, you have to take at least one, um, For for tries seven, eight, and nine. And then you can take one weekend course during seven, eight and nine. Um, so my first intro seven, I took Thompson and Graston and last trimester. I took Cox fluxes distraction and, and currently I'm taking this OT.

Nathan Cashion: And then you've got all the seminars that you can take and you can go somewhere.

They come to the school and they'll do seminars.

Scott Dodds: Most of them are around an, in the area, not actually at the school.

Nathan Cashion: Okay. So you kind of have to seek them out on your own and you can go up. Yep. Awesome. Very cool. Well, I, I'm kind of running out of questions. I think that covers a big chunk of it. Well, actually let me bring this up.

Um, cause I think people are trying to get away from this, but there's the straits versus mixers kind of continuum. Yeah, of course. A couple of schools like Western States. Um, I think. National, or I think it's national, you know, claiming to be evidence-based, you know, illustrate. And then at the other end, maybe you've got Sherman and wife.

Um, I mean, where would you say you fall? I think a lot of the schools now say, you know, we're, evidence-based all that stuff, but where do you think it falls? Um, we're,

Scott Dodds: we're more in the middle, but we're leaning more towards, uh, how Western States is it becoming evidence-based um, I know there's some things possibly in the works at Logan to do some, some things that are different.

Um, obviously that's not done yet.

Nathan Cashion: Nope. I think I'm kind of losing you right now.

Froze up. Well, I get here, you can't see it. So I'm just gonna talk a little bit and hopefully you come back. Um, but I did just notice when you can get a drink of water and I've got my Logan paraphernalia here, uh, from my visit, I actually think this is a free cup from, you know, them coming to my school and doing their college thing.

And I think I have somewhere. Hang on just a sec.

Yep. This is also from my visit to Logan. I've got my perfectly adjusted, uh, Logan college of chiropractic. This is before they became a university and on the back has a. The spine. Of course I cut it up because I use this for palpation. Um, but yeah, that is another thing I've got that one, people get confused because the spine is sideways and it looks like you're scoliotic at it.

I get chiropractors and athletic trainers complaining about that, but anyway, got my paraphernalia from Logan, but I didn't let him going. Uh, but it is just a gorgeous school, really great program. I love the master's program that they're doing there to really well. Continually growing and beautiful buildings, beautiful facilities.

And I think we're getting Scott back here in just a second. Sorry bud. Hey, there you are. That's all right. I'm filling in the space. I, um, I was sharing my paraphernalia from Logan that I got when I visited. Yeah. Yeah.

All right. Anyway, just so, so from straits to mixers, do you think he fall in the middle, but you're kind of leaning towards a little more evidence based focus? Yeah.

Scott Dodds: Yep.

Nathan Cashion: And what's your plans for practicing? Are you going to stay in the area again to move back to Utah? Um,

Scott Dodds: no.

Nathan Cashion: Um,

Scott Dodds: Next, actually next weekend, I'll be headed to back to

Nathan Cashion: Idaho, um,

Scott Dodds: to talk with a doctor that, uh, I've been in contact with, who wants me to be in his, uh, in his

Nathan Cashion: office.

Scott Dodds: Um, he plans on retiring within the next couple of years.

So it'd be, you would like me to purchase this practice. Um, so it's in my hometown. So

Nathan Cashion: I'll be, um,

Scott Dodds: going there, hopefully we'll start talking contract and things like that's all being an independent contractor. Um, just leasing space, uh, that he's not using. You've got a whole side of the building he's not even using, so use that side and buy him out when he's, uh,

Nathan Cashion: when he's ready to.

So that's your hometown, is that where, uh, your wife's from as well?

Scott Dodds: She's from Kansas city. So it will be from her family, but a culture to mind and culture that, I mean, her, most of her siblings live in Utah, so we'll be close to everybody else.

Nathan Cashion: Cool. Um, so you mentioned you kind of plan on working with sports.

Do you have any other, I, uh, kind of goals for the PR that you want to build?

Scott Dodds: Um, I would like to, you know, I'll take, I'll take anybody in my practice. I'm happy to will am more than willing to work on babies on geriatrics. Um, so no, not really. No, no niches. I want to hit, um, I'll really work on anybody. I would like to be a family doctor, you know, for a lot of people.

Um, I mean, I've got future plans, things I want to do, uh, hopefully open up more satellite clinics. And do you think that, but, uh, we'll see.

Nathan Cashion: Awesome. All right. Well, thanks again for meeting with me tonight, I got to get back to studying for grips anatomy and our justice skills tomorrow. But, um, for those of you watching check out exploring chiropractic.com or the Google, um, community, which right now is student, uh, chiropractic students to keep up with what's going on.

What other schools that we're going to be talking about and thinking about someone from life West coming up soon. Uh, as well as AMR and possibly national, um, university as well. So exploring chiropractic.com and there's a Facebook group. There's a Google community. That's probably the best place to keep tabs on what's going on.

So thanks slot, uh, Scott for joining me and sharing Logan university with us.

Scott Dodds: No problem. Thanks.

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