Bonus: "The Chiropractor" Reviewed – Part 2: Quasi-Religious

This is part 2 of my informal review of The Chiropractor, by D.D. Palmer.


"The knowledge and philosophy given me by Dr. Jim Atkinson, an intelligent spiritual being, together with explanations of phenomena, principles resolved from causes, effects, powers, laws and utility, appealed to my reason. The method by which I obtained an explanation of certain physical phenomena, from an intelligence in the spiritual world, is known in biblical language as inspiration." Palmer, D.D. (2007-09-03). The Chiropractor (p. 5).

Referring to rachitis (Ricket's Disease) "A natural insight of your teacher, untrammeled by superstition or education, assisted by revelation and an investigation from a chiropractic viewpoint has enabled him to throw an illuminating light on the etiology of this heretofore mysterious disease." Palmer, D.D. (2007-09-03). The Chiropractor (p. 37).

"It was quite mindful and generous of those who framed the California Medical Act to coincide with the Constitution of the United States in not allowing the Medical Act to conflict with the Constitution of the United States nor interfere with the religious duty of chiropractors, a privilege already conferred upon them. It now becomes us as chiropractors to [assert] our religious rights." Palmer, D.D. (2007-09-03). The Chiropractor (p. 1).


"I do not propose to change chiropractic, either in its science, art or philosophy, into a religion." Palmer, D.D. (2007-09-03). The Chiropractor (p. 6).

"Physicians deal with the physical only; chiropractors with both the physical and the spiritual." Palmer, D.D. (2007-09-03). The Chiropractor (p. 9).

The ebook version of D.D. Palmer's first book, "The Chiropractor" is available on Amazon Kindle for just $3.99. It's full of interesting tidbits that inspire and may surprise even the most philosophically minded chiropractor or student.